Enduro School Pub   Share


Here are some basic and some advanced topics to learn about riding dirt bikes: enduro and cross-country. Lots of little tips, tricks and training ideas that I collected over the past few years:

A word on progression. We all start at different ages and levels of skills or experience. The basics are the same for all and if we don't master the basics, you're doing it for nothing!

I think there are 4 levels of skill and experience:

  • beginner
  • intermediate
  • advanced
  • expert

My aim with this school is to get you up to intermediate and expose you to some advanced elements. This is basically where I consider myself to be. You won't find here expert-level advice, tips or techniques, just yet!

Road topics

Since I am an avid road biker as well, here are some of my thoughts specific to road biking:

Other resources

The Offroad Fanatic youtoube channel has some good videos for both riding tips and maintenance.

Shane Watts DirtWise DVDs are highly recommended if you're getting serious about offroad riding.

Razie's qualifications

Razie's been dirt biking for a few years now, by himself and with his kids. As the first winner of the prestigious Razie Award++, he's uniquely qualified to school others in off-roading crashing techniques :).

In terms of numbers, I have been dirt biking for about 5 years as of 2012, over 3-400 hours, finished last in a few harescrambles and enduros. Also coached one of my kids over 3 seasons of racing cross-country in the Mini JR class.

More seriously though, I tend to read, observe and learn a lot about anything I go into and after watching tens of hours of videos, been through a few training days, here's what I came away with. The fact that I don't have the time to practice sufficiently to become good only puts me in the category of those that can't do and thus can teach :)


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By: Razie | 2012-11-23 .. 2016-05-10 | Tags: enduro , training , dirt bike , setup , motorcycle , technique , tips

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