Ganaraska Forest Pub   Share

Dirt bike trails in the Ganaraska forest, Ontario

This is the largest and the best place to ride around Toronto. It costs 20$ a day for motorized vehicles or 100$/yr. It's really multi-use, you will encounter ATVs, trucks, horseback riders. Keep it quiet and be nice! An OFTR++ membership is not required, although highly recommended.

There's a huge combination of double and single track of varying difficulty. There's also many entry points.

{{Location}} Low tech? Here's directions.

Probably the best way to be introduced to this forest is attending one of the OFTR Trail Rides: several of these trail rides are in the Ganaraska Forest, tens of kilometers and hours of fun, with gas truck and lost riders & found bikes services (beware the sweepers).

The official trail head for motorcycles in the west forest is at the end of the Boundary Road, on the south side - see "W1" on the official map below. If in doubt, go to the Forest Centre, at the Cold Springs Camp Rd & 10th Line.


Download to GPS. Or search more routes.

Read more:

See the other Dirt bike trails in Ontario and, if you don't want serious training at least read about the basics of offroad riding.

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By: Razie | 2013-04-05 .. 2013-06-26 | Tags: venue , dirt biking , trails , ontario

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